Every wonder why people have a tendency to lie at the most inappropriate times?
Some would say it is human nature.
Other's would say it is the product of the times. Or better yet,
It's their nature.
Most would say it is sometimes better to tell a lie than to hurt someones feelings - spare them the hurt or the truth that goes with it.
But, why is it that the recent pack of politicos now roaming the halls of the United States Congress have little or no regard for the truth? Why is it that candidates for high political office - you know - the presidency - have little remorse telling us the most interesting and boldface lies?
There seems to be no end to this either. All candidates and the ones they left behind in Washington seem to think that "spinning" the truth or "cultivating" the lie to make it appear the "truth" is how you get elected.
History will show that this little honeymoon of where you can say what you want, when you want, and wherever you want is about to come to an end.
Why is it that becoming a politician is a now career goal and one of the most, if not the most, distrusted lines of work today? It's right up there with the media according to the latest student polls conducted by CEFE, the Center for Ethics in Free Enterprise, an 11 year old think tank that specializes in ethics and entrepreneurship education in market driven economic systems.
Who is going to be the next president of the USA? Hopefully it will be a candidate that does not want to embarrass the USA or its citizens by telling the most lies to get elected. Hopefully it will be a candidate of conviction, character, and devotion to God and country. Hopefully, it will be a REAL American, not driven by polls, but one capable of standing by their convictions for the greater good of the country regardless of the latest Harris Poll.
For those old enough to remember, there was a time when the US Congress stood as one on foreign policy and allowed themselves only the latitude and luxury to bicker over domestic policy. Were that the case today, the war in Iraq would have been over and our troops would be coming home.
There is such a cesspool of hate that permeates the Halls of Congress today. The place needs to be flushed out and a new breed of politician needs to come in; one that cares about the country rather than themselves. It's time the holders of high office owned up to, and cared about, the country's greater good and not their own.
We can hope.