You are against capital punishment and support abortion on demand, or you support RIGHT to LIFE and endorse the state's right to execute criminals.
You believe businesses create oppression and governments create prosperity, or you believe businesses create individual opportunity and governments stifle growth through regulation.
You believe guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens are more of a threat and danger to society than nuclear weapons technology in the hands of third world governments, or you believe all citizens have a right to own guns and a third world country's nuclear arming capability should be destroyed.
You believe businesses create oppression and governments create prosperity, or you believe businesses create individual opportunity and governments stifle growth through regulation.
You believe guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens are more of a threat and danger to society than nuclear weapons technology in the hands of third world governments, or you believe all citizens have a right to own guns and a third world country's nuclear arming capability should be destroyed.
You believe terrorists should have the same rights as US citizens and not tortured under any circumstances because they are protected by the Geneva Convention for war combatants, or you believe all terrorists are scum-buckets and deserve no consideration under the Geneva Convention rules for enemy combatants and therefore should be tortured if necessary to save the aggrieved nation and its citizens from random acts of terrorism. In other words, 'the ends justify the means.'
You believe global warming is caused by humans out of control, or you believe that global temperatures are affected by cyclical changes in the earth's climate.
You believe that being identified as male or female are artificial roles while being identified as heterosexual, homosexual, transvestite, or vampires are more natural self identifiers, or you believe anything other than a heterosexual male and female preference is a disease that should be treated and can be cured by counseling and abstinence.
You believe the AIDS virus is spread by a lack of federal funding and education regarding the deadly effects on individuals, or you believe AIDS is spread by sexually promiscuous individuals who do not respect themselves nor those that they infect.
You believe a teacher who teaches fourth graders how to read is qualified to teach the same kids sex education, or you believe that today's fourth grade teacher is rarely qualified to teach fourth graders, let alone teach them sex education.
You believe hunters don't care about nature and are environment destroying Neanderthals, or you believe that animal activists have never been outside a city, know little or nothing about conservation management and rarely leave their own rodent infested concrete canyons.
You believe that self-esteem is more important than actually doing something good to earn it, or you believe that doing something good is more important and the absolute prelude to earning individual self-esteem.
You believe that Mel Gibson spent $25 million of his own money to make 'The Passion of the Christ' for financial gain and is a Jew hating drunk or you believe he made the most significant cinematic contribution to Christianity and society in the history of movie making and is humanly flawed like the rest of us.
You believe the NRA is bad because it supports certain parts of the Constitution while the ACLU is good because it supports certain parts of the Constitution, or you believe the ACLU is bad because it does not support certain parts of the Constitution while the NRA is good because of it supports certain parts of the Constitution.
You believe global warming is caused by humans out of control, or you believe that global temperatures are affected by cyclical changes in the earth's climate.
You believe that being identified as male or female are artificial roles while being identified as heterosexual, homosexual, transvestite, or vampires are more natural self identifiers, or you believe anything other than a heterosexual male and female preference is a disease that should be treated and can be cured by counseling and abstinence.
You believe the AIDS virus is spread by a lack of federal funding and education regarding the deadly effects on individuals, or you believe AIDS is spread by sexually promiscuous individuals who do not respect themselves nor those that they infect.
You believe a teacher who teaches fourth graders how to read is qualified to teach the same kids sex education, or you believe that today's fourth grade teacher is rarely qualified to teach fourth graders, let alone teach them sex education.
You believe hunters don't care about nature and are environment destroying Neanderthals, or you believe that animal activists have never been outside a city, know little or nothing about conservation management and rarely leave their own rodent infested concrete canyons.
You believe that self-esteem is more important than actually doing something good to earn it, or you believe that doing something good is more important and the absolute prelude to earning individual self-esteem.
You believe that Mel Gibson spent $25 million of his own money to make 'The Passion of the Christ' for financial gain and is a Jew hating drunk or you believe he made the most significant cinematic contribution to Christianity and society in the history of movie making and is humanly flawed like the rest of us.
You believe the NRA is bad because it supports certain parts of the Constitution while the ACLU is good because it supports certain parts of the Constitution, or you believe the ACLU is bad because it does not support certain parts of the Constitution while the NRA is good because of it supports certain parts of the Constitution.
You believe that taxes are too low and should be raised and that ATM fees are too high, or you believe there should be lower taxes and that ATM fees are too high.
You believe that Michael Moore and Jane Fonda are more important to American history than Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Edison, and Alexander Graham Bell, or you believe that Michael Moore and Jane Fonda are American traitors and that the greatest American hero of the 20th century was Ronald Reagan.
You believe standardized tests are racially biased and that racial quotas and set-asides are not, or you believe that racial quotas and set-asides are racially biased and that standardized tests determine the best individual for whatever is being tested.
You believe that the only reason socialism hasn't worked anywhere tried in the 20th century and beyond is because the right people haven't been in charge, or you believe all socialists are anti-American and want nothing more than to create an American nanny society where everyone is compelled to live off the state and off the favors of those they elect
You believe conservatives never tell the truth and belong in jail or you believe liberals never tell the truth and belong in jail. and political liars and sex offenders should never get out of jail let alone ever occupy the White House.
You believe the phrase "Merry Christmas" should be replaced by Happy Holiday greetings and Manger sites expunged from communities as illegal, or you believe Manger scenes should be nationally institutionalized and employees and citizens free to wish, at will, everyone a "Merry Christmas" while "Happy Holidays" remains as just another form of greeting.
You believe that political party funding by foreigners is in the best interest of the United States and its international image, or you believe that Republican and Democratic fund raising from any foreign individual, government, business, or agency is illegal and an act of treason.
You believe that these character messages are part of a vast, right wing conspiracy to take over the government in a bloodless coup, or you believe these character phrases are part of a vast, left wing secret Manchurian candidate type conspiracy in order to take over the government in a bloodless coup.
You believe that Michael Moore and Jane Fonda are more important to American history than Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Edison, and Alexander Graham Bell, or you believe that Michael Moore and Jane Fonda are American traitors and that the greatest American hero of the 20th century was Ronald Reagan.
You believe standardized tests are racially biased and that racial quotas and set-asides are not, or you believe that racial quotas and set-asides are racially biased and that standardized tests determine the best individual for whatever is being tested.
You believe that the only reason socialism hasn't worked anywhere tried in the 20th century and beyond is because the right people haven't been in charge, or you believe all socialists are anti-American and want nothing more than to create an American nanny society where everyone is compelled to live off the state and off the favors of those they elect
You believe conservatives never tell the truth and belong in jail or you believe liberals never tell the truth and belong in jail. and political liars and sex offenders should never get out of jail let alone ever occupy the White House.
You believe the phrase "Merry Christmas" should be replaced by Happy Holiday greetings and Manger sites expunged from communities as illegal, or you believe Manger scenes should be nationally institutionalized and employees and citizens free to wish, at will, everyone a "Merry Christmas" while "Happy Holidays" remains as just another form of greeting.
You believe that political party funding by foreigners is in the best interest of the United States and its international image, or you believe that Republican and Democratic fund raising from any foreign individual, government, business, or agency is illegal and an act of treason.
You believe that these character messages are part of a vast, right wing conspiracy to take over the government in a bloodless coup, or you believe these character phrases are part of a vast, left wing secret Manchurian candidate type conspiracy in order to take over the government in a bloodless coup.
You finally realize that the only common ground between right and left is ATM fees.